Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari December 25th, 20:25



IDF Spokesperson Statement- December 25th

Good evening,
We are expanding our operations in the southern Gaza Strip. Our forces continue to expose and dismantle terrorist infrastructure, and tonight we are releasing footage of a Hamas base established at the Indonesian Hospital in Jabalya. The evidence we have collected indicates that the hospital area served Hamas terrorists as a gathering point before the October 7th attack and provided refuge for them afterward. Additionally, we have located the vehicle of the Israeli hostage Samer Talalka z”l, in the area. In the vehicle, remnants of an RPG and bloodstains of another hostage were found. We have updated the hostages’ families with all the details. We continue to invest in intelligence and operational efforts to uncover more information about the hostages. No place in Gaza serving as a source for terrorism will be exempt. We will dismantle Hamas wherever necessary.

I want to take this opportunity to address our viewers from the Arab world on the 80th day of the war against Hamas and draw their attention to two painful facts:
Firstly, Hamas continues to hold elderly individuals, women, and children hostages without providing access to medical care, medication or even basic humanitarian assistance.
Secondly, Hamas is stealing some of the humanitarian aid intended for the Gazan population. This aid, entering through Egypt, is a matter of great concern as it is being taken from the children and women in refuge. We are fighting an organization – devoid of any basic human values. It is an ISIS-like organization, and the world must regard it as so, including the Arab world. We will continue to fight Hamas with determination, above and below ground, and we make every effort to bring the kidnapped home.

In the north, Hezbollah recently attacked civilian buildings of the northern residents. In response, we struck a wide range of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Fighter jets attacked terrorist infrastructure and military buildings, and tanks targeted Hezbollah infrastructure along the border area. We will respond forcefully to any fire into Israeli territory.

To the home front, I ask you to continue and follow the Home Front Command’s updated protocols. These protocols save lives.

Today, I want to extend a special appreciation and salute the families of reserve soldiers, including the children and spouses of our dedicated serving men and women. We greatly appreciate you bearing the burden of leading the family alone while worrying for your loved ones. You are the heroes on the home front. We are working on a proper response, compensation, and assistance with the Ministry of Defense and the Treasury. Your spirit is a vital component of our ability to meet the challenge. The reservists have shown inspiring dedication, and we are committed both to them and to you.