Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari January 7th, 20:40


Good evening,
Since the start of the war with Hamas, Hezbollah, at the behest of Iran and without any cause, decided to join the battle. Due to the significant damage inflicted on Hamas in recent weeks on all fronts, Hezbollah fired yesterday towards IDF bases in the North. The Northern Air Control Unit on Mount Meron was damaged in the attack. I want to emphasize to the public that the damage will be repaired. Thanks to early preparation, the unit is still operating and has been reinforced with additional systems. We are investigating the incident to learn and improve, and to strengthen our defense systems in the area.

There were no casualties in this attack. Yesterday, we targeted significant military assets of Hezbollah, including a compound used by Hezbollah's surface-to-air missile unit, and we eliminated seven terrorists, some of whom carried out the firing into our territory, both before and after the firing, and some who did not manage to launch and were eliminated. Today, we continued with strikes throughout the day, significantly damaging Radwan forces. Our focus on Hezbollah’s Radwan forces in southern Lebanon is driving them away from the border. We are determined to continue creating a different security reality in the north, one that ensures safety for the residents.

I want to say to the public: we have a challenge in the north, and we are prepared for it. We are deployed along the entire border and are in very high readiness, both in defense and offense.

The Chief of the General Staff held a situational assessment today in the Judea and Samaria Division. Reserve forces that are operating in the area, carried out more than 40 brigade-level operations to thwart terror.
During the night, a Border Police soldier was killed and other soldiers were injured from an explosive during an operation to thwart terror in Jenin. In the morning hours, a terrorist murdered an Israeli citizen in Binyamin. The security forces immediately began a pursuit after the terrorists and we will continue to chase them until we reach them. The Chief of the General Staff has strengthened the activities of the security forces in systematically thwarting terror, in offensive operations, and in strong defense on the roads of the communities. We will continue to thwart terror in Judea and Samaria.

In the Gaza Strip, IDF forces continue to focus on dismantling Hamas' capabilities in the center and the south of the Strip. I want to address the families of the hostages: today marks three months since their abduction to Gaza, I want to assure you - the IDF is doing and will continue to do everything to create the conditions to bring them back home. There is a lot of activity, most of it secret, all with one goal - to create the military pressure that will bring them back home."