Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 19th, 20:40


I would like to share an update on our hostage rescue effort. The sensitive information that I will be revealing now was shared with the Marciano family this morning. 19 year old IDF Corporal Noa Marciano was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists during the massacre of October 7th. Noa was taken into Gaza alive, she was held hostage by Hamas in Gaza City next to the Shifa Hospital. During ongoing combat, in the vicinity of where she was held captive, Noa’s Hamas captor was killed and Noa was injured. I repeat, she was only injured. An independent pathological report has determined Noa’s injuries were not life threatening. I repeat, Noa’s injuries were not life threatening. What happened to Noa? The world should ask, what happened to Noa?

According to the intelligence we have in our hands, concrete intelligence: Hamas terrorists took Noa into Shifa hospital where she was murdered quickly. Hamas murdered Noa inside Shifa hospital. Our thoughts are with Noa’s family. We send our heartfelt condolences to Noa’s family. We did not reach Noa in time. This has only made the IDF more determined to do everything, everything in our power, to bring all our hostages home.

We have also gathered more intelligence from the hospital proving that Noa Marciano was not the only hostage taken by Hamas into Shifa hospital. I will now share concrete evidence of hostages - one from Nepal, one from Thailand. Taken from Israel during the Hamas massacre on October 7th. After ruthlessly massacring and taking people hostage, the terrorists fled into Shifa hospital. They went to the hospital to hide. Here you can see Hamas terrorists drove back from the massacre - this is an Israeli military jeep they brought into the hospital. I want to repeat it just to make everybody understand: they are bringing an Israeli jeep, a military jeep, into the hospital compound - a place terrorists should not enter. They are entering with the military jeep. This is 10:50. One of the Toyotas that were used by Hamas on the 7th of October, is taking hostages into the hospital. We have found this [make of] Toyota, a different one, with all the gear, a Nukhba Toyota, hiding in a garage inside the hospital. It was ready to go to the October 7th massacre. Like other toyotas going back into the hospital, using the hospital as a terror base.

Here is another jeep, another military vehicle, entering into the Shifa hospital. Using the Shifa hospital as a human shield shelter for Hamas terrorists, bringing military equipment into the vicinity of the hospital.

This is the 7th of October, at 10:55 AM. The evidence I will share was sent by Israel, via diplomatic channels, to the countries of those civilians. As you can see, Hamas is taking a hostage inside the vicinity of the hospital. It doesn’t even look like he needed treatment, but they are taking him inside the hospital. I will now share this video that shows the same hostage entering into the hospital with the gunmen, the terrorists are inside the hospital. This is the main entrance of the hospital. This is at 10:55 AM. They are entering [with] another hostage, gunmen are entering [with] another hostage from those countries I mentioned, into the vicinity. The terrorists are guarding the room. We have not yet located both of these hostages and rescued them. We have not yet located them. We do not know where they are. They are still hostages we need to rescue.

The world must remember, Hamas is holding the elderly, men, women, children, babies; Babies! hostage. The Israel Defense Forces have a moral obligation to bring everyone, every one of our hostages home. We will not rest until we do. Hamas was hiding and murdering our hostages in Shifa Hospital. Hamas was building terror tunnels under Shifa Hospital. By now the truth is clear: Hamas wages war from hospitals, wages terror from hospitals. Everyone who cares about the future of humanity must condemn Hamas.

Thank you.