Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 1st, 20:15


Good evening. The ground campaign is continuing as planned in the northern Gaza Strip. In accordance with prior planning from the Intelligence Directorate, and specific intelligence from the Intelligence Branch, in a joint action from the ground, sea and air, our forces broke through the forward Hamas perimeter in the northern Gaza Strip.

The heavy air attacks continued throughout the entire day and will continue. Guided by precise intelligence from the Intelligence Directorate and the ISA, the head of the Hamas anti-tank array was killed in an airstrike. It is a deadly and capable anti-tank force and eliminating it will impact Hamas' future fighting capabilities.

During the day, the Chief of the General Staff met with the Southern Command and its commanders, and approved a plan for the continuation of the war. We revealed to the international press today additional evidence of Hamas' cynical use of civilians in the northern Gaza Strip. We published a conversation between a Gazan resident and a Hamas operative during which it was explicitly stated that Hamas is stealing fuel from hospitals. In reference to the specific hospital mentioned in the conversation, it was clearly stated that the fuel was supposed to be used to treat patients at the hospital, but that it will be used for Hamas' terror infrastructure.

Hamas will continue to lie. We will continue to share with the world concrete and thorough evidence, as we did with the [al-Alhi] al-Madani Hospital, which Hamas lied about, and as we did when we exposed Shifa Hospital and its infrastructure.

In the north, the IDF killed an additional terrorist cell that tried to fire into Israeli territory, as well as one that fired toward Shtula. Forces returned fire toward the positions from which the shots were fired, striking the cells. We will continue to respond with fire and attack every cell that attacks Israeli territory. We are at a high level of readiness in the North.

On the Home Front

The Home Front Command continues to update its guidance on a daily basis, in accordance with situational assessments. Today, we approved certain easing of restrictions that relate to work and gatherings in central Israel. I request that you look at the website and check out these changes, and to act accordingly. It is important to manage our routines in the shadow of a war. These directives save lives so continue accordingly.

Today, we provided many notifications, and I would like to address these notifications for casualties and hostages. The figure of 240 [hostages] remains the same and, to date, we have also provided notification to the families of 331 fallen soldiers. Among these are families who lost their most beloved ones over the recent hours of battle in Gaza. We will continue to be with the families and embrace them. Most importantly, we will do so while still in combat. Our hearts are with the families, and we offer them our strength at this hour, and we will continue to do so forever. We are sending our prayers for a speedy recovery to our wounded and we will continue to be with you.

The battle in Gaza is difficult and complicated, and it extracts a price. Our soldiers who have fallen, including those over the past day, have made a critical contribution to the security of Israel. To their credit, and especially the credit of those who have fallen, we are strong and we will win.