Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 23rd, 20:15


Good evening,

This is a hard and tense evening for us all, especially for the families whose loved ones were taken hostage.

Today, we received a list of the names of children and women held hostage who are to be released in the first stage of the framework of returning the hostages. In the past few hours, IDF officers who are in charge of contact with the families, delivered the messages with sensitivity and with a disclaimer, a necessary disclaimer, to all the families whose loved ones’ names are on the list, and to all the families of the hostages.

These days will be complicated, nothing is final until it actually happens. Even in the process, there could be changes at any time. It’s important to know that Hamas is a cruel, merciless enemy. Difficult days are ahead of us, days of joy mixed with sadness. Hamas will attempt to use the framework of the deal and the days of the operational pause to spread fear, to spread misinformation and for manipulations. Hamas specializes in psychological terrorism. We ask again, do not spread rumors, don’t forward unconfirmed information. We will report the information to the public only when the details and facts are verified by us. The framework is not the end of the process of returning the hostages, but the beginning of it. There will be moments of uncertainty and lack of clarity. Our hearts are with the families, and we will continue to accompany them, to keep them updated with the reliable information that we have. And most importantly, we will continue to do everything in our power, everything, to bring all the hostages back home.

At this hour, various IDF units are continuing to prepare to carry out the framework, and for the continuous tracking of the remaining hostages, until all the hostages return home.

The IDF continues, at this hour, fighting in the Gaza Strip. Taking control of the northern Gaza Strip is the first stage in a long war, and we are preparing for the next stages. We are looking ahead in anticipation. In the next few days, we will focus on planning and the final preparations for the next stages of the war. With the entry into force of the operational pause, our forces will be positioned along the agreed upon line, inside the Gaza Strip. I would like to emphasize, inside the Gaza Strip, and they will move along these lines, lines which were agreed upon.

In the north this morning, launches were carried out toward communities in northern Israel. The IDF struck terrorist squads which attempted to carry out anti-tank missile attacks, and Hezbollah targets. We are assessing the situation at all times, striking with force, and are present with reinforced troops and a high level of readiness.

On the home front, please continue to follow the instructions of the Home Front Command, which are updated, especially during the time of the operational pause. We must not be complacent. At any time, an incident can occur, and we must follow the Home Front Command’s instructions.

To date, we have notified the families of 392 fallen IDF soldiers, who fell defending the State of Israel. We embrace the families during this difficult time. We also accompany the injured, and wish them a full and quick recovery.