Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 27th, 20:15


Good evening

The effort to bring the hostages home is progressing, and we will update the families and the public as things happen. We need to be patient. We are managing a framework [for the release of the hostages] through mediators, around the clock. Nothing is final until it actually happens. Things are progressing, tonight as well. We must be patient. 

Dear families, we are aware of the enormous pressure you are under during these hours of waiting and uncertainty. Our hearts are with you. 

It is our obligation to bring all the hostages and missing persons home – either by continuing with the current framework, or through the next stages of the war.

We wish a full and speedy recovery to Elma, who is in serious condition after returning from Hamas captivity. An 84-year-old grandmother, with grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she was abducted on a motorcycle by armed terrorists. She was held under difficult conditions, with no access to life-saving medication. Even now, the medical team is fighting for her life. Dozens more staged video clips of terrorists waving peacefully will not hide the viciousness of Hamas. The responsibility for the hostages – including the Bibas family, who is being held by other factions in the Gaza Strip – is solely that of Hamas. 

It is the duty of the international community and multinational organizations to bring their authority to bear and demand access to the hostages in Gaza.

At this hour, the efforts are underway to continue with the framework, led by Egypt and Qatar, who are committed to carrying out the framework over the next few days and continue bringing more hostages home.

The IDF troops in Gaza are prepared on the operational pause lines, and are prepared to carry out the next phases of the war. The troops are rotating outside the Gaza Strip, for rest, training, increasing their readiness for the continuation of the war. 

There are also restocking on supplies and ammunition, and readying the armored vehicles for further combat. We are determined to return to the battlefield and deepen our achievements, with two goals - the return of the hostages and the dismantlement of Hamas.

I would like to say a few words in English


Last night, Elma Avraham was released from Hamas captivity. She was rushed to hospital in critical condition. Elma is 84-year-old, she is a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother. During the Hamas massacre of October 7th, Elma was taken hostage by savage terrorists. She was dragged into Gaza on the back of a motorbike. Elma was in Hamas captivity for 51 days and nights. She was kept in harsh conditions, she was denied life-saving medication. She was not visited by the Red Cross. When she was released from captivity, she was in critical condition. Elma is a reminder of our critical mission. Now she is home. She is being taken care of. But who is taking care of other hostages in Gaza? Over 150 of our hostages - men; women; children; babies, who is taking care of them? Who is holding 10-month-old baby Kfir Bibas? I’ll tell you - ruthless terrorists are holding him hostage in Gaza.

We call on the international organizations - especially the Red Cross - to use every tool at their disposal to gain access to our hostages, to make sure they’re receiving the medical care they need. Our hostages are not lost. We don’t sit around and hope they’re found. We will rescue our hostages at all costs. It is our duty, it is the moral responsibility of the Israel Defense Forces. It’s why we fight, and why we must keep fighting until all our hostages are home.