Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 28th, 20:15


[In Hebrew]

Good evening,

The effort to return the hostages this evening is moving forward and we will notify the families and the public - as things happen. We must be patient. Things are moving forward, but we must be patient. We are operating a framework via mediators - working around the clock. Nothing is finalized until it actually takes place. Things are moving forward, and tonight too, we must wait patiently. We will update the families and the public of every stage in this process. We commit to update with every stage of the process as it happens. Do not rely on other sources - we will update you with every stage of the process..

Dear families, the great pressure you are under - waiting and dealing with uncertainty during these hours - is at the forefront of our minds all the time. Our hearts are with you.

This evening too, we do not, even for a moment, forget the children, the women and the men, that are still being held by the Hamas terror organization in Gaza. Today, we heard the horrifying testimonies of how Eitan, twelve years old, was forced by terrorists to watch videos of atrocities and was beaten by terrorists. He is only twelve. Eitan’s testimony demonstrates that Hamas is a cruel terror organization that does not allow the Red Cross to check the condition of the hostages. It is an international humanitarian moral duty to demand that the Red Cross fulfils its responsibility.

We will do everything, everything, to bring all the hostages home - whether during the operational pause or through continued fighting.

Today, we notified the families of three IDF fallen soldiers kidnapped by Hamas, of their deaths. The three fallen soldiers fell during the battles on October 7th and were kidnapped by Hamas into Gaza. Their deaths were confirmed after examining all the evidence we had and after receiving additional reliable evidence. At this point, on behalf of the IDF commanders and servicepeople, I want to send condolences to the bereaved families. Our hearts are with you in the hard hours and we will continue to accompany you during the hard times.

This afternoon, three IEDs were detonated at two different locations in the northern Gaza Strip. In one of the instances our forces were also fired upon. Our forces returned fire towards the origins of the fire. This is terror activity which violates the rules of the operational pause.

If any of our enemies think, or may think, that this is their moment of opportunity - they are wrong. The safety of our forces comes first. We are highly prepared on our operational lines and any attempt to harm our forces will be met with very heavy fire and will be met with determination. At any given moment, we will do the right thing for the security of the State of Israel, serving the goals of the war in the best possible way.

The IDF is utilizing the operational pause to strengthen our preparations and to approve battle plans for continuation of the war. Today, the IDF is prepared for continued fighting.

Today, the Chief of the General Staff held a Situational Assessment in the Northern Command and met the heads of the authorities. He noted the resilience and patience the civilians of the north are demonstrating. This is the case regarding all the civilians, along all of the borders. You are the source of our strength, enabling us to continue and to fight. The IDF is committed to create a different security reality along the borders for everyone - a better and more stable reality. This is one of the goals of the war.

I will now answer questions and then say a few words in English about the hostages.

[In English]

Inside Gaza, at this very moment, Hamas is holding our people hostage. Men, women, children, babies.

We urge all people who care about women’s rights, children’s rights, human rights, the future of humanity – to join us in calling for the immediate release of our hostages.

Those who use their voices to denounce violence against Iranian women; those who use their voices to denounce violence against Yazidi women; those who use their voices to denounce the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls and demand their return: raise your voices! Speak up for our hostages who are silenced! Demand their immediate return!

Right now, UN Women has launched a campaign to fight against gender based violence, called “No Excuses”. Yet, when it comes to the women and girls being held by Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza, there has been silence.

There is no excuse for silence.

People who care about women’s rights, children’s rights, human rights, the future of humanity, should show it. Speak up! Demand the Red Cross see them. Speak up! Demand their immediate release. Demand the immediate release of all our hostages. The IDF will do everything, everything, to rescue the hostages.

Thank you.