Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari- September 10, 2024


Good evening,
In recent days, we presented to the families of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Alex, Almog, and Ori, of blessed memory, we presented the footage from the tunnel in Rafah where we located them. This evening, we will broadcast that footage here.

All the evidence you saw inside the tunnel has been taken for investigation and examination. We are examining the materials and following every lead to track down the terrorists responsible for this heinous murder. We will continue to operate against Hamas with determination and eliminate the commanders and terrorists wherever they may be. We have also distributed this footage in English, and I have briefed the international media, so that the whole world can see and remember the evil of Hamas and understand the cruelty with which it treats the hostages.
At the same time, we are continuing to investigate the circumstances of the murder as thoroughly as possible. Once the investigation is complete, we will firstly, firstly present the findings to the families and then to the public.
The troops operating in the field acted responsibly and cautiously, above and below ground. In recent weeks, they have eliminated many terrorists above ground, including the commander of the Tel al-Sultan Battalion and the chain of command of the battalion. We did not have intelligence information that would allow us to carry out a hostage rescue operation, and we did not know the precise location of the hostages in the tunnel that was located. They were murdered before we reached the location.
We are also investigating the incident of the leak of the hostages' names during Saturday, before they were recovered from the tunnel. This is a very serious incident that firstly hurt the families of the hostages and also compromised the security of the troops operating in the field.
Even at this moment, our hearts are first and foremost with the families of the hostages, and we share in their immense grief and sorrow. We continue and will continue to exert every effort, every effort to bring the hostages home alive, and as quickly as possible.

Alongside the ongoing operations in Gaza, we continue to operate with intensity on the northern border. This morning, in an extensive strike on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, we struck a military headquarters and a weapons manufacturing site of Hezbollah. Additionally, we eliminated a commander from Hezbollah's Radwan Force. We continue to act with strength, and we are prepared with operational plans, and we will act in accordance with the directives of the political level.