Booby-trapped school bag carried by Hamas terrorists


Since the beginning of the war, and after taking an active part in the combat over the past two weeks, the Yahalom Unit continues to recover explosives and collect additional weapons belonging to Hamas terrorists left in Israeli territory.

As part of the activities of the Yahalom Unit in the area of Kissufim, a school bag was found that was carried by Hamas terrorists in the attack against the State of Israel.

Following an examination, the soldiers of the unit discovered that the bag was booby-trapped, containing a remotely-activated explosive device, and an explosive weighing about 7 kilograms, hidden in a school bag.

As part of the unit’s operational activity, over 1,000 weapons of various types, approximately 2,000 grenades, 1,000 RPG rockets of various types and 1,200 explosive devices of various types have been collected. A number of the weapons collected in the field were detonated in a controlled manner.

A video of the booby-trapped school bag:

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