A New Era in the Israeli Air Force

Today, the “Adir” (F-35) aircraft were qualified for operational use after a year-long training period.

IDF Editorial Team

The process began in December 2016 when the first aircraft arrived and the “Golden Eagle” (140) Squadron was created. Specially trained dedicated crews, who received nine aircraft over the past year operated the “Adir” (F-35) aircraft throughout the trial period.

The Israeli Air Force is the only air force, other than the United States Armed Forces, that operates the “Adir.” This is another example of the cooperation and the special strategic relationship between the State of Israel and the United States.

The “Adir” enhances the IDF’s strategic and operational capabilities, and improves the IDF’s readiness in several scenarios and its ability to combat a wide range of threats in all arenas, as stipulated in the IDF’s multi-year “Gideon” plan.

In a letter from the Commander of the IAF, Major General Amikam Norkin, to the men and women of the IAF he wrote: “The announcement of the operationalization of the ‘Adir’ aircraft comes at a time in which the IAF is operating on a large scale on a number of fronts in a dynamic Middle East. The constantly evolving and complex challenges are met with a high-quality and professional aerial response. The operationalization of the ‘Adir’ aircraft adds another level to the IAF’s capabilities at this time.”