IAF to Host an International Conference

This coming week, the Israeli Air Force will be hosting an international conference during which, representatives from more than 20 different countries will come together to discuss international cooperation and regional stability. The representatives are from the United States, Italy, Austria, Brazil, Belgium, India, Holland, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Romania, Finland, and other countries.

IDF Editorial Team

“The main goals for this event are: One, to basically establish aerial power as a source of stability. We’re going to emphasize our technology and values in the IAF. We see this conference as a platform to build and strengthen our partnerships internationally. And last, probably the most important one, is our goal basically to connect these important partners to the State of Israel, to the IDF, and to the air force,” said a senior official in the Israeli Air Force (IAF).

The conference will last three days and will take place in different locations throughout Israel.On the first day, Tuesday, the officials will hear from the Commander of the Israeli Air Force, Major General Amikam Norkin and the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot.

On Wednesday, they will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Tel Nof Airbase. After the meeting, they’ll see a training event, with some of the newer pilots and have a chance to connect with them and to understand the challenges that the State of Israel faces.

This is not the first conference of its kind. In fact, in honor of its 50th anniversary, the IAF held a conference, but it was not to this scale and didn’t have the same goals. This conference will give the air chiefs an opportunity to get a close look at the regional dynamic.

“When we say regional stability, look at Blue Flag, a big exercise that we had here back in November...The fact that we are working and cooperating together, with all these western air forces brings stability. The air force is so prominent in all the conflicts around us is a source of stability. That’s what we believe in the air force,” explained a senior official in the IAF.

This week will give these officials to strengthen international partnerships and learn more about the State of Israel and how the Israeli Air Force operates.