The Commander of the Israeli Air Force Visits the United Arab Emirates for the First Time

IDF Editorial Team
Last week, Commander of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, attended the Dubai International Air Chiefs' Conference (DIAC), a conference of air force commanders from around the world and the Middle East, held in the United Arab Emirates. As part of the conference, Maj. Gen. Norkin attended the Dubai Airshow.

This is the first visit by the Commander of the Israeli Air Force to the United Arab Emirates. Maj. Gen. Norkin’s visit to the UAE and his participation in the DIAC demonstrates the developing cooperation between the two air forces at the national and strategic levels following the Abraham Accords.

The historic visit follows the arrival of the Commander of the United Arab Emirates Air Force, Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Nasser Mohammed Al Alawi, to the "Blue Flag" international exercise, which concluded about two weeks ago.

This visit serves as an example of the continued development and strengthening between the Israeli and international air forces at the national and strategic level, as well as an example of the growing cooperation between air forces throughout the Middle East.