A Partnership of Persistent Excellence

IDF Editorial Team

Today concluded the visit of VAdm. Brad Cooper, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. fifth Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces. The visit included a series of professional meetings and briefings, as well as participation in a commemoration ceremony in memory of the Israeli Navy's fallen service members at Elisheva Garden in Ashdod.

At the center of the visit, VAdm. Cooper met with the Commander in Chief of the Israeli Navy, VAdm. David Saar Salama. As well as meetings and discussions with the Minister of Defense, Mr. Benny Gantz, IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Aviv Kohavi and Head of the IDF's International Cooperation Division, Brigadier General Effie Defrin. Sources present at these discussions say that the discussions were lively and held positive outcomes.

"Our commitment to Israel is unwavering and this visit highlighted the
importance of our decades-long strategic relationship,” said Cooper. “The recent alignment of Israel to U.S. Central Command opens new opportunities to deepen our naval ties and enhance regional maritime security and stability."

This visit is VAdm. Cooper’s second in Israel. Since entering his current position in May 2021, the Admiral has already conducted one previous visit in July, the Israeli Navy and Fifth Fleet have conducted a joint exercise in the Red Sea, and the Admiral hosted MK Yair Lapid in Bahrain for a joint discussion as part of a larger visit to the country.

Since May, VAdm. Cooper has vastly grown and strengthened the bonds between the two forces. “VAdm. Cooper is a friend and strategic partner to the Israeli Navy, he and his team are deeply committed to the security of the State of Israel” says RAdm. Daniel Hagari, Head of Naval Operations in the Israeli Navy.

A live demonstration for the growing ties can be seen in Haifa, as the USS O’Kane pulls in for a routine port call as part of its operation in the area.

The strong relationship with the U.S. Navy is one of the many deep ties that the State of Israel holds with its greatest ally, the United States of America. “For years the US has been a central strategic partner and a central pillar in the defensive mindset of the State of Israel” says RAdm. Hagari, as he reiterates the importance of the deep and intimate collaboration between the Israeli Navy and NAVCENT.

“The cooperation between NAVCENT and the Israeli Navy crosses many fields,” Says RAdm. Hagari, “but at its core, we have joint collaboration in the mapping domain as well as maritime threat detection and elimination.”

The timing for this visit is not accidental. The visit comes as a result of the transfer of the responsibility over Israel from the US Europe Command (EUCOM) to the US Central Command (CENTCOM).

This decision came as a result of political and security-related considerations and has yet to be fully completed, “this process has a major influence over the activity of the Israeli Navy and widens our scope of responsibility in the maritime domain” says RAdm. Hagari.

“The transfer to the Central Command has allowed us to continue our coordination in the region, and to collaborate with maritime coalitions in the area” explains RAdm. Hagari.

“Therefore,” he continues, “the security coordination between our forces in the fields of threat elimination, neutralization, interception and sabotage have become more valuable and intimate. We have opened a new door for the strengthening of regional maritime security together with our partners.”

“An additional important development is the normalization agreements under the ‘Abraham Accords’. These new relationships have many social and economic opportunities, but military ones as well. The maritime domain can be used as a dimension for overall maritime security with the countries that share access to the sea.”

As for the strategic aspect, RAdm. Hagari believes that the transfer process and the new relationship sends a clear message to the local players. “The unified message is that we are working together with our American partners to neutralize threats originating from the sea and enhance regional maritime security. And the way to appropriately and effectively address this is by collaborating with our close partners.”

Commander in Chief of the Israeli Navy, Vice Admiral David Saar Salama concluded the important visit by saying
"This week's visit with our partner, Vice Admiral Cooper, was very significant. The talks that took place led to significant progress in the common issues that concern the State of Israel and the United States alike. The Fifth Fleet, led by Vice Admiral Cooper, is an important strategic partner of the Navy. The Fifth Fleet, and its people, are committed to the security of the State of Israel, and we are mutually committed to them."

Even though the visit has reached its end, whether you are serving aboard a vessel with the Star of David flag or the red and white stripes, all eyes are set on the promising future between the two forces. “When talking about the future between the forces,” continued Salama, “it’s important to look at the joint yearly plan which we are building together with our friends in the Fifth Fleet and the potential it holds. There is a general feeling of positive momentum amongst all the different levels, alongside the continuous evolution of the maritime threats which demand us to constantly give the best and quickest solutions we can."