After brutal terror attack in Tel Aviv, here’s what to keep in mind

Two terrorists opened fire on a busy Tel Aviv mall, killing 4. Here’s what you need to know following the deadly terror attack.

IDF Editorial Team

Published on: June 8, 2016

Two terrorists opened fire on a busy Tel Aviv mall, killing 4. Here’s what you need to know following the deadly terror attack.

Overwhelming celebration for the attack in West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem
  • Handing out candies
  • Fireworks
  • Marches in Hebron
  • Viral celebrations on social media
Palestinian organizations rush to “brand” the event and revive the intifada/uprising
  • “First Attack of Ramadan”
  • “Carlo Gustav Attack”
  • “Al-Quds Intifada Continues”
  • Graphics and hashtags in order to keep the momentum of the terror wave
Transition from “Knife Intifada” to “Carl Gustav Intifada”
  • Icon of “intifada” is now the Carl Gustav weapon
  • 65% of Palestinians in the West Bank supported the suicide bombing in Jerusalem on April 18th
  • Wide-scale support for raising the level of violence from knives and stones to shootings and bombings

  • Hamas social media accounts were quick to take responsibility for the attack and  vowed to carry out more during the month-long holiday of Ramadan
Use of social media to promote terror

Hamas Twitter account praises the attack and deems it a “heroic” act

Palestinian Ramadan treat being stuffed with a bullet with the caption “Tel Aviv operation”