Forces Uncover Terror Cell, Find Weapon in Child’s Bedroom


IDF Editorial Team

Intelligence efforts have led the ISA, in a joint operation with the Israel Police and the IDF’s Menashe Regional Brigade, to uncover a terror cell in Fahme, southwest of Jenin.

Two suspects were arrested on April 4, 2017 for committing approximately ten shooting attacks over the past few months. The cell targeted both IDF and civilian targets, including the communities of Shavei Shomron, Hermesh, and Shaked.     

In addition to the multiple terror attacks the cell carried out throughout the Samaria region, the cell also planned additional shooting attacks on civilians traveling on local roads. While arresting the suspects, who are aligned with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group, forces uncovered multiple weapons. One of the weapons used to commit these attacks  was concealed in a child’s bed frame.


The gun hidden in the hutch of a child’s bed

This isn’t the first time that Palestinian terrorists have hid weapons among children’s toys. Last December, security forces uncovered weapons parts in Nablus, nestled between stuffed animals and art supplies.