IDF Medical Team Treats 20 Wounded Palestinians after Serious Crash

Magen David Adom warned IDF Medical Corps soldiers in Judea and Samaria that a serious accident had occurred on a road in the region early Tuesday morning. The accident took place near the town of Efrat between a private vehicle and a Palestinian minibus. In less than five minutes, Cpt. Karin Yamin and three paramedics arrived on the scene. All of the minibus’ passengers required medical care.

IDF Editorial Team

When she arrived at the scene, Cpt. Karin Yamin had to act quickly to take care of the twenty Palestinians wounded in the crash. The IDF Medical Corps team in Judea and Samaria is regularly in contact with the Palestinian Red Crescent. In this case, IDF soldiers were the first to respond, and quickly afterwards, the Red Crescent arrived and transferred the wounded to ambulances.

Cpt. Yamin’s team working with the Palestinian Red Crescent at the scene of the accident

Cpt. Karin Yamin has been serving as an IDF Medical Officer in Judea and Samaria’s Etzion Brigade for around seven months. Today’s emergency was just one of many that she handles on a regular basis.

“For the soldiers in my unit, saving lives is a priority. Whether the patients are Israeli, Palestinian, Christian or Druze, we take care of them all in the same way. We also provide equipment to Red Crescent ambulances, especially when we see that they lack medical equipment,” Cpt. Karin said. “It’s important for me to emphasize that cooperation between the IDF and the Palestinian Authority goes in both directions.” She added that the Palestinians treated this morning were very satisfied with the care they received.

Last December, a car accident took place in the region involving three Palestinian women who were seriously injured. Then, as now, Cpt. Yamin and his soldiers immediately responded and treated the wounded. The three women needed more extensive care and were transferred to the civilian Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

“We are constantly on the alert. My soldiers and I act with one value in mind: We are all doctors and our purpose is to save lives. It makes no difference where we are or who is in front of us,” Cpt. Yamin said.