Latest 3 Weapon Caches Uncovered in the Judea and Samaria Region

On Monday night, an IDF force operating in Hebron uncovered several weapon caches. In Hebron, a rifle and several rifle magazines were uncovered; three firebombs, several daggers, and two knives were uncovered in a village south of Hebron.

IDF Editorial Team

Assault rifle and several magazines uncovered near Hebron

On August 1, an IDF battalion of the Kfir infantry brigade found a dismantled shotgun in the Palestinian town of Ash-Shuyukh, located north of Hebron.

The IDF uncovered a shotgun in a town north of Hebron

On July 25, the IDF and Israel Police thwarted an attempt by two Palestinians to smuggle weapons from Jordan to the Judea and Samaria Region via the Dead Sea. An inflatable rubber boat carrying ten AK-47s, ten magazines, and approximately 300 matching bullets along with the Palestinian suspects, were apprehended by the IDF.

Ten assault rifles, ten magazines, and hundreds of bullets were found on a Palestinian boat