Palestinian Suspect Arrested on Way to Carry Out Terrorist Attack

The suspect, who was carrying a pistol and ammunition, intended to attack a bus in the Samaria region.

IDF Editorial Team


Earlier today, IDF soldiers identified and arrested a Palestinian suspect who was carrying a pistol and ammunition near the community of Huwwara in Samaria. The suspect intended to open fire on a bus traveling nearby.

The pistol that was found in the suspect’s possession

The attack was planned to occur in the same area where two buses have been hit by gunfire in two separate incidents over the past four weeks.

Commander of the Samaria Regional Brigade, Colonel Yoav, discussed the incident and recent attacks in the area: “Several hours ago, a Palestinian who intended to attack a civilian bus in the vicinity of Hawwara was arrested; a pistol was found among his possessions. During the past month, two similar incidents have occurred on June 12, 2013 and on June 25, 2013 when shots were fired towards civilian buses. We believe that the Palestinian who carried out these attacks lives in the village of Awarta. Since the last incident on June 25, 2013, security forces conducted surveillance operations in anticipation of a future terrorist attack against the passing buses in the area. Soldiers who were stationed on the buses as part of the operations identified the suspect and prevented the impending attack.”

Regarding today’s attempted attack, he added, “This incident, carried out by an individual terrorist, is being investigated. It is our duty and obligation to catch every individual who attempts to hurt civilians in Judea and Samaria.”