Staff Sgt. Netanel Moshiashvili Killed in Exchange of Fire with Terrorist

Staff Sgt. Netanel Moshiashvili of the Golani Brigade was killed earlier this morning (Friday). A terrorist who was identified infiltrating Israel from the southern Gaza Strip opened fire at IDF soldiers, who responded with fire. During the exchange, the terrorist was killed, thus preventing a terror attack on Israeli civilians.

IDF Editorial Team

Staff Sgt. Netanel Moshiashvili, 21, from Ashkelon

The family of Staff Sgt. Netanel Moshiashvili has been informed of the incident.

In response to the infiltration attempt, IAF aircraft targeted three weapons manufacturing facilities in the central Gaza Strip as well as two underground terrorist tunnels in the northern and southern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were identified.

The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers, and will operate against anyone who uses terror against the State of Israel. The Hamas terror organization is solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip.