Terrorist Opens Fire at Israeli Crossing Attacked Days Earlier

A Palestinian terrorist opened fire Monday night at Tapuah Junction, marking the second attack at the crossing in less than a week. Israeli forces stationed at the junction returned fire and killed the attacker on site.

IDF Editorial Team

An armed terrorist approached Tapuah Junction Monday night, opening fire at Israeli troops stationed there. IDF soldiers and Israeli border police responded immediately, killing the terrorist and neutralizing the threat. The Palestinian terrorist fired at least six shots before Israeli forces stopped him.

The terrorist’s gunfire injured a border policeman at the scene. Israeli forces prevented harm to nearby civilians, and no soldiers were killed during the attack. The Tapuah Junction is located in northern Shomron, an area with Israeli and Palestinian residents that is highly vulnerable to terror attacks.

The terrorist’s weapon and identification card

IDF Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz arrived at the junction moments after the incident. Lt. Gen. Gantz, who had been meeting nearby with senior IDF officers, spoke directly with forces involved in neutralizing the terrorist.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz visits the scene of the attack

Monday’s incident came just three days after an unrelated terrorist attack at the same crossing . Last Friday, Israeli security forces discovered a Palestinian terrorist armed with an explosive belt walking toward junction.  The forces noticed that the man was wearing a suspiciously large coat, and quickly acted to apprehend the suspect.

Injured border policeman recovers in the hospital after the attack

Upon searching the attacker, the forces found 12 pipe bombs strapped to his body. The bomb disposal unit was brought to the scene and neutralized the explosive.

The safety of Israeli civilians has been under constant threat: whether by way of rocket attacks,  attempted kidnappings, suicide bombings and even the slaughtering of children in their sleep.

The IDF’s soldiers remain on alert to prevent attacks, and will respond as necessary to protect Israelis from terrorists.