Violent Palestinian Protesters Riot All Weekend in Judea & Samaria

Over the course of the weekend, more than 1,200 violent Palestinian protesters participated in illegal riots across Judea & Samaria. Rioters set fires, blocked streets, and hurled rocks and firebombs at IDF forces who responded with riot dispersal means. Five Palestinians were arrested in Hebron and given over to the custody of the Israeli Police.

IDF Editorial Team

Violent Palestinians riot in Al-Ram, northeast of Jerusalem

The following video shows today’s riots in the village of Al-Ram, northeast of Jerusalem where approximately 200 rioters hurled firebombs, rocks and burning tires at IDF soldiers.

Two Israeli civillians were injured when Palestinians hurled rocks at a bus travelling near Ofra and at a second vehicle travelling near Karme Zur. Rioters also hurled rocks at IDF soldiers near Karme Zur, who responded with riot dispersal means.

In another incident, a firebomb was hurled at an IDF vehicle near Beit Ummar. IDF soldiers searched the area for suspects