Cyber Command: Defeating The Enemy That Can’t Be Seen

Cyber warfare is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of modern combat. Sophisticated enemies are constantly chasing new developments and technologies that present an ever-changing threat to Israel’s security. Experts predict that in the future, 40% of warfare will take place online. Combating this threat demands a new approach – the IDF Cyber Command.

IDF Editorial Team

Recently, the still inactive IDF Cyber Command achieved a new milestone.The first six cadets just completed their officers training course. Currently serving in the Telecommunications Protection Division of the C4I Directorate, each one of the young officers will play an integral role in the IDF’s new approach to fighting terror online. They will be responsible for opening new sections within the unit in order to prepare and increase the IDF’s capability to protect Israel’s vital digital infrastructure.

Cyber Soldiers Monitoring Computer Systems

By 2017, the IDF Cyber Command will start operating in full force. The command will combine the capabilities of the Military Intelligence Directorate and the C4I Telecommunication Directorate. “The key is teamwork. In the cyber world, there are no bullets. There are no easy ways to recognize your enemies. Success requires the combined effort of programmers, engineers, and cyber warfare experts,” explained Major Itay Sagi.

The collection of the IDF’s best cyber experts ensures that we will be able to effectively plan for both the long and short term. It will allow the IDF to act faster and with more flexibility. It will encourage cooperation and expand our ability to respond to all cyber threats.

(Photo credit: Courtesy IDF/Times of Israel)

These highly skilled officers are key to this historic development. For now, they will learn to establish and maintain a strong command structure in the IDF. Their mission is vital. In the near future, they will be the ones to defend the fascinating and dangerous cyber world. To stay ahead of the enemy, they will need to be at their absolute best.