Introducing a New and Improved Command and Control System, the “Shaked Lehima”

In 2019, a new and improved command and control system, the “Sheked Lehima,” will be distributed that will change the accessibility, effectiveness, and mobility of navigating a mission.

IDF Editorial Team

What is a command and control system?

A command and control system is used to understand the location of both combat soldiers and the enemy in the field. This way, soldiers can better navigate to accomplish their mission, making sure to avoid enemy areas and understand their terrain better.  

A new and improved system coming soon

The current command and control system is heavy and is carried on soldiers backs. In addition, it’s only accessible to high-ranking officers. This will all change soon. In 2019, a new command and control system, the “Sheked Lehima,” will be distributed. It will change the accessibility, effectiveness, and mobility of navigating a mission, which will ultimately change the way combat troops operate their missions.

System Features

The new “Sheked Lehima” will have the following features:

  1. It will provide soldiers with real-time updates, which allows them to know what’s happening when it’s happening and how they should react and plan their next move. As a part of this, they will receive alerts that’ll tell them where other IDF troops are and where they’re going, resulting in an overall better understanding of everyone’s position in the field.
  1. Currently, a network communication foundation in the field doesn’t exist, and this new system will bring one alive.
  1. The “Sheked Lehima” can tell you where to go, in any terrain, from desert, to forest, and how you should get there, whether by tank or by foot, for example. 
  1. The system will be able to operate easily, similarly to Waze. Soldiers will input a location and the system will give them the best route to take. It will be able to warn them if there are enemies or threats, and where they should and shouldn't go. This is all based on collected intelligence.
  1. Company commanders will now be able to better communicate to their soldiers what they want and how the soldiers will do it. This will actually improve and enhance their ability to navigate and complete their tasks.

The platform

Part of the system is in a smartphone, and the other part of the system is in a smart watch. The “Sheked Lehima” was developed within an application for smartphones. The new command and control system will also be accessible as a smart-watch as an additional platform.

It’s important that the command and control system is as comfortable and accessible as possible for a combat soldier to use it in a variety of scenarios, like crawling through mud or climbing mountains. The smartphone and smartwatch capabilities will allow soldiers to use the product with minimal disruption to the task at hand.

Why was a new “command and control” system necessary?

The Shaked Lehima system was developed specifically for low-ranking officers at the platoon commander level. Until now, there wasn’t a command and control system available to these commanders, only to high-ranking officers. This availability is important at a lower-level of command because it helps the soldier or commander on the ground better understand where they are and how to reach their target, without disrupting their movements.

Additionally, the system combat soldiers have been using is very big and heavy, and difficult to get the hang of easily. The system will be much lighter and user-friendly.

Lastly, the soldier will no longer get the information in a time delay but in real-time updates.

Who’s behind the newest developments

The Tactical Command and Control System Department, which is a part of the Technological Development Brigade, created the Shaked Lehima.The brigade is responsible for the development and implementation of weapons, communication systems, and technology for ground forces.

Everything is tested

This entire process of product development entails many tests. The Tactical Command and Control System Department doesn’t give soldiers a finished product and say it’s their problem if they don’t understand the system. They check it with them during the process and take advice from them to ensure that the product will be as useful as possible.  

The  department conducts many tests throughout the process so that when they finish, they can say without a doubt that whatever system they produce will improve the soldier’s service to their country. And this of course applies to the “Shaked Lehima,” too.