The Answer to Digital Terror – IDF’s Cyber Warriors

The new face of warfare: Instead of guns and rockets, our soldiers may be fighting with keyboards and screens, proactively defending our networks against potential digital terrorists.

IDF Editorial Team

A recently developed cyber defense course is geared towards preparing its soldiers for any and all cyber threats. They have the weapons at their fingertips and entire model cities at their disposal. They are training to become the masters of cyber warfare and to defeat the cyber enemy.  

During Operation Protective Edge, many Israeli infrastructures were targeted by hacking groups hoping to disrupt operations and communication efforts. Therefore, cyber defense is exceedingly important.

If any anonymous individuals decide to carry out a computerized attack against the IDF, our cyber warriors stand ready to defend. They are trained to implement immense defensive measures against any and all cyber attacks through the creation of intricate firewalls and hack-proof systems.

Cyber defense plays a very significant role in Israeli society today because of the amount of cyber attacks against Israel in recent years. The IDF, along with many other Israeli institutions such as banks and government offices, are required by law to protect themselves from any attacks. Training our soldiers through this revolutionary course is all part of the process to safeguard our vital networks.

The cyber defense course takes it a step further than just defense by training our soldiers to actively assess every and all situation. The course’s most recent graduates built a model city where they conduct complex missions in preparation for a large-scale cyber campaign.


With each new challenge, the IDF manages to adapt. It is in response to the ever-looming threat of cyber attacks that our soldiers meticulously prepare for future conflicts. We remain on the cutting edge and ahead of the game, ready to take on the new face of warfare.