The IDF hosted its first international digital and cyber convention

Last week, the IDF’s C4i and Cyber Defense Directorate held its first international digital and cyber conference. About 70 foreign representatives attended the conference, including 6 generals and 16 colonels who deal with cyber and military defense technology. This is part of 13 delegations from 11 countries (South Korea, the United States, Austria, Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, Rwanda, Japan, Hungary, and Poland)- all of which are united by technology.

IDF Editorial Team

During the conference, which was held at the C4i Corps’ heritage site in Yehud, participants learned about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development, technological challenges on the battlefield, and appropriate responses to them. In addition, they learned about digital transformation (DT), both in cyber technology and in the Cloud.

Brig. Gen. Yariv, Chief Signal Officer & J6/C4I & Cyber Defense Directorate Chief of Staff, stated at the event: “This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, the IDF, and the C4i & Cyber Defense Directorate. When I look at you all here today, military and government officials from so many countries, I see how technology connects people. This conference brought dozens of representatives to Israel to discuss operational and technological challenges that all modern armies experiences or will experience in the future.  We need to work together in order to protect ourselves better and to operate in synchronization.”