Hamas Booby Traps Palestinian Houses

Hamas builds its terrorist infrastructure to attack Israeli civilians. However, the residents of Gaza also fall victim to the terrorist organization.

IDF Editorial Team

Our ground, aerial and naval forces are currently operating in Gaza. Their mission is to locate and destroy the weapons and facilities used by terrorists to attack Israelis. Again and again our troops have discovered civilian homes and structures used by Hamas to store weapons and rig explosives. This is part of the terrorist organization’s efforts to turn every building in Gaza into a weapon turn.

Hamas treats the homes and civilian institutions of Gaza as military compound. Since July 8, 2014, Hamas has fired more than 2,450 rockets at Israel. It hides rockets in civilian homes and buries the launchers underground in residential neighbourhoods. Soldiers from the Nahal Brigade discovered these rocket launchers buried in the grounds of an agricultural school in Beit Hanoun. Some rockets were already loaded, primed to launch at Israel.

Tunnels in Residential Neighborhoods

The primary objective of Operation Protective Edge is to locate and destroy the vast underground terror network built by Hamas to attack Israel. So far we have found more than 30 tunnels, some of which lead directly to Israeli communities near the border with Gaza. These tunnels run right through residential neighborhoods.

Gaza tunnels lead to Israeli communities.

Tunnel entrance found between a school and a mosque in Gaza City.


And they are built right underneath civilian homes.

Weapons Caches in Private Palestinian Homes

Hundreds of the weapons seized by IDF soldiers in Gaza were found in private Palestinian homes. We have found stockpiles of ammunition, grenades, automatic rifles, RPGs, explosives and other military equipment.

Found in Khan Yunis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip – July 23

Weapons found in civilian building throughout Gaza

Weapons found in civilian building throughout Gaza

Weapons found in civilian building throughout Gaza

Weapons found by the Golani Brigade in Shuja’iya


Our work in Gaza is impairing Hamas’ ability to hurt civilians. We will continue to operate until our mission is complete.


Hamas hides weapons in civilian houses then rigs them with explosives. How will it exploit Gaza's residents next?