Hamas Spokesman: “We Are Leading Palestinians to Death”

The Hamas Spokesman has been very vocal during Operation Protective Edge, which Israel launched to bring about a cessation of rocket fire from Gaza. His words reveal the sinister way in which Hamas abuses its citizens by intentionally putting them in harm’s way.

IDF Editorial Team

The spokesperson for Hamas in Gaza, Sami Abu Zuhri, said on July 13 in an interview on Al Aqsa TV (Hamas’ TV network), “We aren’t leading our people today to destruction. We are leading them to death.”

Beyond Hamas' provocation of the IDF by firing over 1000 missiles into Israel since the start of Operation Protective Edge, Abu Zuhri may have been referring to Hamas’ policy of using civilians as human shield. In the following video, Abu Zuhri admits clearly Hamas’ policy of human shields.

In the following video, Hamas’ spokesman is referring to the fact that the IDF avoids civilian casualties by aborting airstrikes.

An example of an aborted strike is depicted in the video below. In it, you can see the IDF practicing the “roof knocking” technique—when IDF aircraft targets a building with a loud but non-lethal bomb that warns civilians that they are in the vicinity of a weapons cache or other target.

In the above video, the residents flee the home after the roof knocking, but then many others come and ascend to the roof and act as human shields.

This callous practice of Hamas of telling Gazans to stay in their homes has already led to many Palestinian deaths, for which the terrorist organization bears the responsibility.