Israel on fire

To date Hamas has burned more than 7,400 acres of land and set more than 750 fires, an average of more than 11 fires a day, using arson kites and incendiary balloons. Israeli firefighters have been working hard to extinguish the fires, but Hamas has been igniting them at a rapid pace.

IDF Editorial Team

Shaar Hanegev Regional Council

July 10, 2018

Much of the land that Hamas burned was farmland on the cusp of harvesting season. These fields could have produced wheat, mangos, avocados, and more. The fires also destroyed greenhouses, chicken coops, agricultural equipment, and water reservoirs. This critically damaged the livelihoods of people living in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip, many of whom rely on agriculture to make a living. The total damage of these fires costs more than $2,200,000 US dollars.

Since March 2018, Hamas has organized weekly riots with the goal of infiltrating Israel and committing terror attacks. Fire was a consistent element from the start of the riots. In the beginning Hamas burned tires in an attempt to create a smokescreen, under which they could achieve their terror-driven objectives. During these violent riots, in which Hamas placed Gazan civilians on the frontlines, its operatives used explosives, burning tires, and other weapons to attempt to break through the security fence and kill Israelis.

As the riots progressed, Hamas began a new campaign of launching arson kites and incendiary balloons. While kites and balloons sound innocent, these kites and balloons adorned with flaming and explosive objects are nothing more than tools of terror.

Or Haner

July 10, 2018