UN Employee Suspected of Directing Humanitarian Aid to Hamas

Earlier today, Waheed Borsh, a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) official, was indicted in a civilian court in southern Israel for using his position to provide assistance to Hamas’ terror activities in Gaza. He’s admitted to helping Hamas use humanitarian aid funding to build a dock for its naval forces in 2015 and confiscate weapons at building sites marked for demolition. Borsh was arrested in July 2016 in a joint operation by the Shin Bet security service and the Israel Police.

IDF Editorial Team


While working as an engineer at UNDP since 2003, Borsh was responsible for the demolition of buildings damaged during military conflicts and the removal of waste from the demolitions.

In his interrogation, he revealed information on  Hamas military posts, terror tunnels, and weapons storage facilities. He began using the program's funding, information, and access to aid Hamas after being co-opted by a senior Hamas official in 2014. In 2015, he acted to persuade UNDP managers to prioritize the rehabilitation of housing in areas populated by Hamas members. Borsh was acting in response to a request by Hamas. When weapons or terrorist tunnel openings were discovered in houses being handled by the UNDP, Hamas would take control of the site and confiscate the arms and other materials. This is in direct violation of internationally recognized and agreed upon UN procedures.

Hamas continues to exploit humanitarian aid and international funding meant to help the people of Gaza. Instead of acting to reconstruct and build homes, schools and hospitals, the terror organization uses any means possible to further entrench its terrorist stronghold on the Gaza Strip.