Violence Continues Along the Gaza

Since March 30th, thousands of Palestinians have gathered along the Israel-Gaza security fence in order to participate in what they call the “Great Return March.” The reality was anything but great. The violent riots have included flying arson kites to burn Israeli fields, hurling and planting explosives in order to hurt Israelis, and burning tires to create a smokescreen under which the rioters could infiltrate Israel and carry out terror attacks. That was their ultimate goal.

IDF Editorial Team

The violence escalated on May 14th, the anniversary of the day that the State of Israel was established, which Palestinians call the “Nakba” or the day of “catastrophe.” The day included more violent riots and infiltration attempts. IDF soldiers did what was necessary to fulfill their mission of defending and protecting Israeli civilians, and responded to the violent threats with non-lethal riot dispersal means and live fire in accordance with the rules of engagement.

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), both terrorist organizations based in the Gaza strip, began launching rockets at Israel on May 28 and continue to do so to this day. In less than a week, Gaza-based terrorist organizations launched more than 100 rockets at Israel, endangering the lives of thousands of civilians. One of the rockets hit a kindergarten and another hit a civilian home. Fortunately, no Israelis were killed or injured as a result of the attack.

The first weekend of June was marked by violence as riots raged and the rocket launches continued, forcing Israeli civilians to run to their bomb shelters.

Riots along the security fence on June 1, 2018

On June 1st, rioters burned tires and attempted to damage security infrastructure, but that was only the beginning. That same day, suspects fired at an IDF vehicle and rioters placed explosives at the Karni Crossing in an attempt to harm IDF soldiers. These acts on their own would be unacceptable, but what followed on June 2nd made them even worse.

Saturday morning, June 2nd, a terrorist attempts to commit a ramming attack near Hebron. He tried to run over and kill Israeli civilians and IDF troops with his car. Luckily for them, an Israeli soldier was stationed on a nearby rooftop, and having seen the attempted attack, acted quickly, saving the civilians and troops on the ground. In response to the immediate threat, the soldier on the rooftop shot and killed the terrorist. While all of this was going on, the riots along the fence continued, but this time they included fire bombs, grenades, explosives, and more.

Riots on June 2, 2018

That same morning, rioters attempted to infiltrate Israel through the Israel-Gaza security fence, but IDF troops were not only able to identify the danger, but also stop it just in the nick time. The troops responded to the danger and operated in accordance with the rules of engagement.

Infiltration attempt along the Israel-Gaza security fence

To top off all of this violence, terrorists in the Gaza Strip continued to rain rockets down on Israel. The IDF had to act in response to the continuous terror and demonstrate that the violence against Israelis would not be tolerated. In this spirit, and in response to continuous terrorism, IAF fighter jets conducted multiple strikes on Hamas-owned terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

This weekend’s events represent Hamas’ determination to turn the area near the security fence into a warzone, and its desire to harm Israeli civilians no matter the cost to its own. Ultimately, Hamas, as the governing body in the Gaza Strip, must make the decision to invest in its people or harm Israelis. For now, it’s clear that Hamas puts its terror-based goals ahead of its civilians.

“Quiet will be met with quiet, but terror will be met with a firm response” said Head of the International Press and Social Media Branch, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, while visiting the civilian home that was hit by a rocket. The IDF will continue to respond to violence according to the rules of engagement and continues to hold the Hamas terror organization responsible for all violence emanating from the Gaza Strip, above and below ground, in the air, and at sea.