

Sirens sounded in northern Israel.


Overnight, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terror targets, including a launch post, terrorist infrastructure, and military compounds in the areas of Seddiqine, Matmoura, Labbouneh, and Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.

In addition, IDF soldiers struck in order to remove threats in the areas of Ayta ash Shab and Labbouneh in southern Lebanon. 

Attached is a video of the IDF strikes in southern Lebanon: 


Overnight, during IDF activity in the area of the northern border, an IDF soldier was severely injured, two IDF soldiers were moderately injured, and an additional IDF soldier was lightly injured, as a result of an explosion of an unknown source. The incident is under review.

The soldiers were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.


Overnight, IAF fighter jets successfully intercepted a UAV that approached Israel from the east.

The UAV was monitored by IDF soldiers, did not pose a threat and no sirens were sounded according to protocol. No injuries were reported and no damage was caused.


Sirens sounded in northern Israel.


Following a situational assessment, it was determined that as of 00:00 Israel time tonight (Monday), changes will be made to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines.

As part of the changes, it was decided to restore educational activities across Israel. In the areas of the northern border and communities near the Gaza Strip, educational activities will resume in subject with restrictions. In addition, the restriction on gatherings is removed in green areas. 




A short while ago, IAF and Israeli Naval forces identified a suspicious aerial target that crossed from the Red Sea into Israeli airspace. 
An Israeli Navy missile ship successfully intercepted the target using the "C-Dome" Defense System. 

The target was monitored by IDF forces and did not pose a threat. No sirens were sounded according to protocol. No injuries were reported and no damage was caused.


Last night, the Israeli Air Force, together with our strategic partner countries, successfully intercepted dozens of aerial threats launched from Iran towards Israel. The IAF deployed dozens of aircraft into the sky on an aerial defense mission to protect the country's skies, and successfully intercepted unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) and cruise missiles.

Out of hundreds of launches, only a few missiles crossed into the territory of the State of Israel causing only minor damage to infrastructure at the Nevatim Airbase near the runway and to a road in the Hermon area.

The functionality of the Nevatim Airbase was not affected, aircraft continued to take off and fulfill their defense and offense missions - even during the night, and throughout the day.

IDF soldiers deployed in all arenas are prepared and are continuing to defend the State of Israel.

Attached is a photo of the damage to the road in the Hermon area:


Attached are photos of the damage to the Nevatim Airbase:


Attached is footage of the damage to the Nevatim Airbase and continued aircraft activity: 

Attached is footage of UAVs and cruise missiles intercepted by IAF fighter jets: 

Attached is a map showing the Iranian launches into Israeli territory last night: 



“Even while under attack from Iran, we have not lost sight—not for one moment—of our critical mission in Gaza to rescue our hostages from the hands of Iran’s-proxy Hamas. Of our moral duty to do everything in our power to bring 133 hostages home.”

Please find attached an English briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari: 


Over the past hours, IAF fighter jets and additional aircraft struck Hezbollah military compounds and terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Kfarkela, Maroun El Ras, and Markaba in southern Lebanon. In addition, a Hezbollah observation post was struck in the area of Matmoura.

Throughout the day, IDF soldiers struck targets to remove threats in the areas of Ayta ash Shab and Souaneh in southern Lebanon.


In accordance with the situational assessment, the IDF is calling up approximately two reserve brigades for operational activities on the Gazan front.

Their calling will allow the continuous effort and readiness to defend the state of Israel and the security of civilians.


The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, spoke this morning (Sunday) with the Commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), General ( * * * * ) Michael Erik Kurilla. The Chief of the General Staff expressed great appreciation for the joint defensive effort in thwarting and intercepting the Iranian attack toward Israel. LTG Halevi added that the close cooperation between the two militaries throughout the war has led to the formation of a strong defensive coalition that proved itself last night. The Chief of the General Staff asked General Kurilla to convey his deep appreciation to the U.S. forces for their cooperation and high-quality effort. The strategic partnership of the IDF and the U.S. Armed Forces is significant for maintaining regional stability and security in the Middle East.

Additionally, the Chief of the General Staff held a situational assessment with members of the General Staff Forum.



Following a situational assessment, the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines remain unchanged and in effect up until tomorrow, Monday, 15.04.2024, at 23:00 Israel time.

Attached are the Home Front Command's defensive guidelines:


Last night, the Israeli Air Force, along with strategic partner nations, successfully intercepted dozens of aerial threats that were launched from Iran toward Israeli territory. Dozens of Israeli Air Force aircraft were deployed in the skies on a mission to protect the nation's airspace and successfully intercepted UAVs and cruise missiles.

Footage of the interception of UAVs and cruise missiles by IAF fighter jets:

Footage of the Home Front Command and IAF activity:

Related photos:


A short while ago, in response to the launches that were fired toward northern Israel overnight, IDF fighter jets struck a significant Hezbollah weapons manufacturing site in the area of Nabi Chit, deep inside Lebanon.


Sirens sounded in northern Israel.


“Last night, Iran initiated an attack against Israel, launching over 300 threats of various types. The Iranian threat met the aerial and technological superiority of the IDF, along with a strong fighting coalition - which together intercepted the overwhelming majority of the threats. 99% of the threats launched towards Israeli territory were intercepted - a very significant strategic achievement.”

Click here for the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari

Photos of the return of the aircraft after the interception mission:


Footage of the landing of the ‘Adir’ fighter jets on their return to the Nevatim Airbase after their aerial defense mission:


A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck a number of military structures in a complex belonging to Hezbollah's Radwan Forces in the area of Jbaa in southern Lebanon.

Earlier during the night, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military structures in the areas of Khiam and Kfarkela.


Sirens sounded in Kibbutz Gonen, northern Israel.


Sirens sounded in northern Israel.


The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, is currently conducting a situational assessment at the Israeli Air Force Operations Center in the Kirya with the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, the Commanding Officer of the Operations Directorate, and the Commanding Officer of the Intelligence Directorate.

During the situational assessment, the defensive and offensive activity of the last few hours were presented, as well as plans for the continuation.



Sirens sounded in Ortal and Sha'al, northern Israel.


IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“An hour ago, Iran launched dozens of surface-to-surface missiles toward Israeli territory. The vast majority of the missiles were intercepted outside of the State of Israel's borders by our Aerial Defense Array.”

Click here for the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari


The vast majority of missiles launched from Iran were intercepted outside of the State of Israel's borders

A short while ago, dozens of surface-to-surface missile launches from Iran were identified approaching Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted the majority of the launches using the "Arrow" Aerial Defense System, together with Israel's strategic allies, before the launches crossed into Israeli territory. A small number of hits were identified, including at an IDF base in southern Israel, where minor damage was caused to infrastructure.

Over the past few hours, many dozens of hostile aircraft, as well as dozens of cruise missiles, from Iran were identified approaching Israeli territory and intercepted. Dozens of IAF fighter jets are currently operating to intercept all aerial threats approaching Israeli territory.

The IDF is deployed on all fronts, prepared, and continuing to defend Israeli territory.

The activities of the Israeli Air Force Operations Center from the last few hours

The readiness of the Israeli Air Force from the last few weeks


Sirens sounded in northern Israel.


Sirens sounded in the Negev region.


Sirens sounded in the area of Jerusalem, sirens sounded in northern Israel. 


Sirens sounded in the area of the Dead Sea.


Sirens sounded in the Shomron area.


Sirens sounded in southern Israel.


Attached is a video announcement of the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, regarding missiles launched from Iranian territory: https://bit.ly/3vQWvVy


A short while ago, Iran launched missiles from its territory toward the territory of the State of Israel. Please be alert and act according to the Home Front Command’s guidelines.

The Home Front Command's alert system can provide real-time alerts in areas of danger. I remind you that no matter where the threat is launched from, when an alarm sounds you must enter the shelter and wait there for no less than ten minutes.

We will update in real-time if you are required to stay there for a longer period. The Aerial Defense Array is fully operational and is intercepting threats wherever required, even at this very moment. At this time, numerous IAF planes are in the air, ready to counter any threat. You may hear explosions from interceptions or debris falling.

Since there are a variety of threats, the alerts may be issued across wide areas. I urge you to refrain from spreading unverified rumors and reports. Please stay updated with the announcements of the IDF Spokesperson and the official guidelines of the Home Front Command.

Continue to act responsibly and calmly as you have been and adhere to the instructions. We are strong and capable of handling this event. The IDF will do whatever it takes to protect the citizens of the State of Israel.
In the next hour, I will appear here again and provide updates on any developments.


In accordance with the situational assessment, residents of the northern Golan Heights, the area of Nevatim, Dimona, and Eilat are required to stay near protective spaces until further notice.

Upon the activation of sirens, it is required to enter into a protected space. If there is no protected space, it is required to find the most protected area possible. In any case, it is required to wait ten minutes, and no less.


Commanding Officer of the Home Front Command:

"We have been at war on several fronts for over six months. Throughout the war we have faced and have confronted a large number of challenges in a very wide variety of threats, we learned and improved - we are prepared and strong in both defense and offense.

The Home Front Command is deployed and prepared throughout the country. The alert system is prepared and ready, together with the heads of the authorities and the emergency response organizations - we will overcome this challenge" 


Archive materials of the IAF Aerial Defense Array:

Archive materials of aerial targets being intercepted by IAF aircraft:


Sirens sounded in Kibbutz Snir, northern Israel


“Iran has launched unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from its territory toward the State of Israel… Continue to act responsibly and calmly, as you have done so far, and be sure to follow the guidelines. The IDF is prepared and ready across all its defensive and offensive systems; we have prepared for a variety of scenarios in advance.”

Click here for the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari.


Attached is an English video announcement by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Iran has launched a direct attack from Iranian soil toward the State of Israel. We are closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are en-route to Israel sent by Iran. This is a severe and dangerous escalation. Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large- scale attack from Iran.

Together with our partners, the Israel Defense Forces is operating at full-force to defend the State of Israel and the people of Israel. This is a mission that we are determined and ready to fulfill.”



Earlier today, UAVs were launched from Lebanon toward Kfar Blum and Hanita in northern Israel. In response, IDF fighter jets and artillery struck Hezbollah terror targets in the areas of El Kharayeb, Wardiyeh, and Khilat al-Daba. Among the targets struck were terror infrastructure and military posts.

Footage of the strikes:


A short while ago, Iran launched UAVs from within its territory toward Israel.

The IDF is on high alert and is constantly monitoring the operational situation. The IDF Aerial Defense Array is on high alert, along with IAF fighter jets and Israeli Navy vessels that are on a defense mission in Israeli air and naval space. The IDF is monitoring all targets.

We ask the public to adhere to and follow the instructions of the Home Front Command and the official IDF announcements regarding the matter.


"In accordance with the situational assessment and in light of the security situation, the Home Front Command is issuing updates and adjustments to the defensive guidelines at this time—starting tomorrow morning and over the coming days, educational establishments, day camps, and planned trips will not take place."

Click here for the translation of a briefing by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari


Following a situational assessment, it was determined that as of 23:00 Israel time tonight (Sunday), changes will be made to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines.

As part of the changes, it was decided to prohibit educational activities across Israel. In green areas, gatherings will be limited to 1,000 people.

Attached is the Home Front Command's defensive guidelines: 
