Hamas Murders a Gazan Civilian Trying to Get Help from UNRWA

Press Release

IDF, Media Center

Gazan civilians testify to Hamas' ongoing cynical and systematic use and abuse of civilians in Gaza in conversations with officers of Unit 504.

In one conversation, a Gazan civilian testified that Hamas murdered his cousin because he tried to seek help from UNRWA. In another conversation, a civilian said he does not leave his home because he fears Hamas will seize it and use the property to fire toward Israel and destroy his house.

In another conversation, a resident of Gaza who works for an American organization testified that Hamas terrorists tried to steal food intended for civilians in Gaza. The civilian noted that Hamas systematically steals equipment and food, including stealing from UNRWA warehouses.

Attached are conversations of Gazan civilians with officers of Unit 504:

Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Seizing and Destroying Civilian Homes in Gaza:

Attached is the Testimony of a Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Stealing Food from Gazan Civilians:

Attached is the Testimony of a Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Killing Civilians in Gaza: