Failed Hamas Launches From the Humanitarian Area Hit the UNRWA 'Al-Qarara' school


The Hamas terrorist organization launched numerous projectiles from the Humanitarian Area in Khan Yunis. The projectiles did not cross into Israeli territory and instead fell in the area of the UNRWA 'Al-Qarara' school in Khan Yunis. 

Following the failed launches, numerous hits were identified in the area of the school, and reports were received from international humanitarian organizations regarding the deaths of two civilians and the injuries of multiple others. Consequently, in coordination with the Coordination and Liaison Administration to Gaza in COGAT and the World Health Organization (WHO), the injured civilians were evacuated to receive initial medical treatment at the International Medical Corps (IMC) field hospital in Dier al Balah, which was established during the war. 

The Hamas terrorist organization's rocket fire continues to endanger both Israeli and Gazan civilians alike, damage international humanitarian infrastructure and violate international law.
