“I’m inside, I’m inside with the Jews," "We have female hostages, I captured one". These are quotes from recordings of UNRWA teachers that took part in the October 7 Massacre.

In a video captured by a security camera on October 7, two Hamas terrorists are seen loading the corpse of an Israeli civilian they shot onto a truck. These Hamas terrorists were also employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and they were not the only UNRWA employees involved in the massacre. 

According to intelligence, over 450 terrorists belonging to terrorist organizations in Gaza, mainly Hamas, are also employed by UNRWA. In recent investigations, the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) has concluded that 9 UNRWA workers have taken part in the raping, killing and slaughtering of Israelis during the October 7 massacre. However, their suspects consisted of 19 UNRWA staff members. The UN has confirmed that they have sufficient information in order to take the neccesary actions, which is the termination of these nine individuals.

The IDF has gathered substantial evidence of several other circumstances that reveal the participation of UNRWA staff in the October 7 massacre such as a recording of the conversation between the two UNRWA teachers. This was also confirmed by the UN's Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS): In addition to the nine employees that the UN's investigative team determined were involved in the October 7 massacre, other workers - about whom the team claimed there was insufficient evidence - were also involved in the massacre. They are members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and the UN must fire them immediately and not sweep the issue under the rug.

By not firing them, the UN Secretary-General and UNRWA's Commissioner General are brazenly demonstrating their determination to continue employing members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad even after having been presented with incriminating evidence to this effect. It is time for donor governments to wake up and stop funneling their taxpayers' money to members of designated terrorist organizations.

Attached is the Conclusion to the OIOS Investigation of UNRWA: 

Attached is a Statement from the IDF Spokesperson Regarding UNRWA's Involvement During October 7: