Chameleon Soldiers: Camouflage in the IDF

Three years ago, the IDF’s Counterterrorism Training Center introduced a special department dedicated to the art of camouflage. Since then, the Center has thoroughly incorporated camouflage into its training. In addition to preparing soldiers to rescue civilian hostages and operate effectively in urban combat, the Center now trains them in advanced camouflage techniques.

IDF Editorial Team

What is camouflage? More than just a type of design on uniforms, it is the strategy of arranging objects to prevent an individual or group from being noticed. This can be done by using materials such as fake branches, face paints and colored tarps. Through their training at the Counterterrorism Training Center, the soldiers eventually become equipped to blend into all sorts of environments, including mountains, desert and snow.


Preparing a site for camouflage

Soldiers from an elite unit of the Armored Corps preparing a fake rock in which to hide

Camouflage done. What do you see?