Operation Accountability

The goals of Operation Accountability (Hebrew: מבצע דין וחשבון, 'Mivtsa Din VeHeshbon') were to strike the terrorist organization Hezbollah and other Lebanese terror organizations and to stop them from turning southern Lebanon into a base for terror. Prior to the operation, a number of soldiers were killed while driving over bombs placed by Hezbollah and other terror organizations. The operation began after Israel spent two weeks warning Hezbollah to stop firing rockets from southern Lebanon at Israel and its civilians.

IDF Editorial Team

Three days before the start of the operation, IDF positions had been targeted by Hezbollah

Hezbollah targeted IDF positions for three days before the start of the operation. As a result of these attacks, one soldier died and another was seriously wounded. In response to Hezbollah’s firigin 40 Katyusha rockets at Israel, on July 25, 1993, Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked Hezbollah targets.

In the days that followed, the IDF attacked villages that terrorists used as headquarters, while taking the necessary measures to minimize harm to civilians. The civilians had been warned beforehand, and were given forty days to evacuate their homes. Only after these 40 days did the IDF start bombarding the open areas near the villages, and then the villages themselves.

After six days, Operation Accountability ended on July 31.

During the operation, 50 terrorists were killed, and 40 were wounded. Two Israeli civilians and one IDF were killed and nine other soldiers were wounded.