Operation Full Disclosure

On March 31, 2014, the IDF carried out Operation Full Disclosure, in order to stop Iran’s attempt to smuggle advanced weapons for terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip through the Sudan.

IDF Editorial Team

The following weapons were found on the Iranian-owned KLOS C merchant vessel: 

400-M-302 rockets, reaching up to 160-  

181 Mortar shells (120 mm)-  

Around 400,000 bullets of 7.62 mm caliber-  

The M-302 rocket is a ground-to-ground rocket that has been produced in Syria since the early 1990s. Currently, these rockets are mainly used by Hezbollah and the Syrian Army. Since the rocket’s creation, it has been improved several times. Now, it can reach up to 124 miles, and can weigh up to 375 lbs.

The merchant vessel KLOS C set sail from Tehran to the Port of Sudan via Iraq. The same port was used in another failed smuggling attempt in 2009. The KLOS C was intercepted by Israeli Navy Flotilla 13 in the Red Sea before it was able to reach its destination in order to deliver the cargo to terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. The operation was carried out in accordance with international law.

Several months before the operation, the IDF uncovered a transfer of Syrian-made M-302 rockets from Damascus to Tehran. The transfer was made by the Al-Quds forces, which alerted the Israeli intelligence forces, as these transfers are usually from Iran to Syria, and not the other way around.

As soon as IDF troops returned from the operation, Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. (R) Benny Gantz spoke to soldiers that had taken part in Operation Full Disclosure. “The task wasn't simple,” he noted. “It was  planned with Israeli ground forces and the Israeli Navy for a long time. It required each of us to act according to the best of our abilities while spending a long time at sea, but now the fruit of our work is visible. Each of these rockets represented a threat to the security of the inhabitants of Israel. Every bullet and rocket discovered was intended to target Israeli homes.”