החידה של אמ"ן שרק 0.1% מהאנשים שניסו הצליחו לפתור

ביקשנו ממיטב המוחות של אמ"ן לאתגר אותנו עם חידה מורכבת לכבוד הפסח. עברתם את כל השלבים? קיבלתם את המידע והצלחתם לפתור? כנראה שאתם כבר יודעים לאיזה מייל לשלוח לנו את התשובה...

מערכת אתר צה"ל

If He had brought us out from Egypt, and had not carried out judgments against them

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had carried out judgments against them, and not against their idols

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had destroyed their idols, and had not smitten their first-born

!Dayenu, it would have sufliced us-

If he had smitten their first-born, and hed not given us their wealth

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had given us their wealth, and had not split the tea for us

!Dayemu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had split the sea for us,  and had not taken us throuyh it on dry land

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he hap taken us through the sea on dry lend, and had not drowned our opprossors in it

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had drowned our oppressors in it, and had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had supplied our needs in the desert for forty pears, and had not led us the manna

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had fed us the manna, and had not given us the Shebbat

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had given us the Shabbat, and had not brought us before Mount Sinai

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had brought us before Mount Sinai, and had not given us the Torah

!Dayenu, it would gave sufficed us-

If he had given us the Torah, and had not brought us into the land of Israel

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-

If he had not brought us into the land of Israel, and had not built for us the Beit Habechiroh (Chosen House; the Beit Hamikdash)

!Dayenu, it would have sufficed us-


 ? __________ + Who said 



*שימו לב: יש להעתיק מכאן את הקישור לאחר שהזנתם את התשובה. התשובה היא בעברית

* את החידה חיבר מדור טכנולוגיות למידה במערך ההדרכה למודיעין ולסייבר של אמ"ן. המדור אחראי על הפיכת ההכשרות של האגף לדיגיטליות ומתקדמות תוך שילוב לומדות, משחקי למידה וסימולטורים אשר תפקידם להטמיע את הידע בצורה טובה וחוויתית יותר.