Welcome to the website of the Military Courts Unit.

The Military Courts are part of Israel's judiciary, and they constitute a criminal court according to law. The Military Courts adjudicate charges against IDF soldiers and civilians who are employed by the army, that relate to military and other criminal offenses, some at the core of public interest. It is a professional and independent judicial system, which has a central role in law enforcement in the army and in ensuring the legal and moral activities of the IDF soldiers. The trials are conducted efficiently while ensuring a fair procedure and full rights to the suspects, accused, and victims.

The District Military Courts are located at the Military Justice Campus at “Mota Gur” camp. Alongside them, operates the Special Military Court where senior officers with the rank of lieutenant colonel and higher are being sentenced, the Military Traffic court which adjudicate charges of traffic offenses, and the Administrative Department that includes the military "parole boards" and the committee for transferring prisoners from the Military Prison to continue serving their sentences at Israel Prison Service (IPS).

In addition, the Integrative Court also operates at the Military Justice Campus. This is a program that gives a rehabilitative alternative to the usual criminal procedure and is intended for soldiers who have decided to mend their ways and complete full and proper service. These soldiers are given a second chance to prove themselves, along with accompaniment and support from their commanders, professional military officers, and welfare services. A soldier who completes the program will not serve an actual prison sentence and will not be stained with a criminal record.

On our website you can read more about the proceedings in the Integrative Court. These procedures reflect the concept that integrating the soldier into the army and providing him with the suitable tools for his future inclusion into society as a citizen, are part of the social aspect of the IDF as the "people's army" model, within the State of Israel.

The Military Court of Appeals is the appellate court of the military judiciary. It outlines significant legal precedents pertaining to the district military courts. The Military Court of Appeals is located at the General Staff camp (Rabin), alongside the headquarters of the Military Courts unit.

The website of the Military Courts opens a hatch to the world of the military judiciary and allows the general public to learn and be impressed by the ongoing efforts of the military courts.

I hope you find the website interesting.



Major General Orly Markman

The President of the Military Court of Appeals


לדבר הנשיאה בעברית